Specialist Early Intervention Teacher /KEY WORKER
P.A.A.T is run and facilitated by specialist Early Intervention Early Childhood teachers with training as Equine Interaction Experience practioner (E.I.E.P)
The program is based upon a fundamental understanding and respect for neurodiversity, all abilities and the early childhood development. For Appointments and more information Email: paatecis@outlook.com Mobile : 0461 545 384 |
At P.A.A.T we offer a unique program as it incorporates the principals of early Intervention Practice and equine assisted therapy.
The model used is the KEY WORKER model as identified in the NDIS framework. The approach supports best practice in early childhood intervention because it helps the child and family to build their capacity and supports greater inclusion in community and every day settings, meaning each child will be provided with opportunities to grow and learn. Services offered: Individual Equine Assited Early Intervention 2years - 9 years old KEY WORKER MODEL Early Childhood Supports (EC) - younger than 9 These support items provide capacity building supports in early childhood, including key worker, to assist a child (younger than 9) with developmental delay or disability Initial appointment : 90 mins Ongoing Appointment : 55 mins FEE SCHEDULE : As per NDIS funding schedule : Core ECIS Funding Initial Appointment : $220 Ongoing Appointment : $ 193.99 Individual appointment Equine Assisted session 9 years to adult Initial appointment : 90 mins Ongoing Appointment : 55 mins FEE SCHEDULE : Initial Appointment : $220 Ongoing Appointment : $ 193.99 Family Sessions Sessions for the whole family to develop connectedness, working together, respecting boundaries, understanding conflict, sitting with uncomfortable emotions. Working alongside the animals to support growth and development as a family unit. Initial appointment : 90 mins Ongoing Appointment : 55 mins FEE SCHEDULE : Initial Appointment : $210 Ongoing Appointment : $ 193.99 Corporate Corporate well being sessions/ days can be delivered Team building sessions focusing on Values in the workplace, wellbeing and self care in the workplace, Learning from the herd - how to work effectively as a team. Please contact to discuss your program needs and costs. Payment is required on the day - EftPOS available. NDIS BILLING INFORMATION If your child has an NDIS plan and is under 9 years of age they are eligible to claim the program through NDIS - capacity building If you are self-managed you are able to claim the session though the NDIS app- an invoice will be issued on the day of the appointment . NDIS FUNDING CATERGORIES EALY INTERVENTION Capacity Building - Improved Daily Living This support category includes assessment supports, training supports, strategy development supports, and therapeutic supports (including Early Childhood Supports) to assist the development of, or to increase, a participant’s skills and their capacity for independence and community participation. Early Childhood Supports (EC) - younger than 9 These support items provide capacity building supports in early childhood, including key worker, to assist a child (younger than 9) with developmental delay or disability and their family or carers in home, community, and early childhood education settings, to work towards increased functional independence and social participation. It is expected that the supports are delivered in line with the NDIS Commission’s NDIS Practice Standards and Quality Indicators for Early Childhood Supports. These support items can also be used for the assessment, planning, and delivery of DisabilityRelated Health Supports where these supports directly relate to a participant’s significant and permanent functional impairment and assist them to undertake activities of daily living. These support items can be delivered to individual participants or to groups of participants subject to the rules set out in the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits. These support items can only be delivered by the following types of professionals (therapy assistants must operate under delegation and supervision) • Early Childhood Professional – A person who has a bachelor’s degree or higher in their relevant area and holds current registration or membership with their relevant registration and or professional body. It is expected that the person delivers supports in line with the NDIS Commission’s NDIS Practice Standards and Quality Indicators for Early Childhood Supports. Early Childhood Professionals include the following types of professionals. o Developmental Educator - A person has a bachelor’s degree or higher and has current full membership with Developmental Educators Australia Inc. o Early Childhood Teacher or Educator – A person has a bachelor’s degree or higher in Early Childhood Education or Special Education who has a current registration with their state or territory’s education department 9 years to adult. EAL may be able to be accessed through the Core Supports, and possibly the Capacity Building Supports if ‘Life Skills’ are being mentored for specific personal goals to improve life and wellbeing. |